Sentence Contains Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a basic grammatical rule that every writer should understand. It is important to ensure that the subject and the verb in a sentence agree in number, tense, and person. When a sentence does not follow this rule, it can lead to confusion and make the writing difficult to comprehend.

The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described. The verb, on the other hand, is the word that expresses the action or state of being of the subject. Both the subject and the verb in a sentence need to agree in terms of number, tense, and person for the sentence to make sense.

Number agreement refers to whether the subject and the verb are singular or plural. For example, in the sentence “The cat chases the mouse,” the subject (cat) and the verb (chases) are both singular. In contrast, in the sentence “The cats chase the mice,” the subject (cats) and the verb (chase) are both plural. It is important to make sure that the subject and the verb agree in number to avoid confusion.

Tense agreement refers to whether the subject and the verb are in the same tense. For example, in the sentence “She is singing a song,” the subject (she) and the verb (is singing) are both in the present tense. In contrast, in the sentence “She sang a song,” the subject (she) and the verb (sang) are both in the past tense. It is important to make sure that the subject and the verb agree in tense to avoid confusion about the timing of the action.

Person agreement refers to whether the subject and the verb are in the same person. For example, in the sentence “I am writing an article,” the subject (I) and the verb (am writing) are both in the first person. In contrast, in the sentence “He is writing an article,” the subject (he) and the verb (is writing) are both in the third person. It is important to make sure that the subject and the verb agree in person to avoid confusion about who is performing the action.

In summary, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical rule that every writer should follow. To ensure that a sentence makes sense, it is important to make sure that the subject and the verb agree in number, tense, and person. By doing so, you can improve the clarity and readability of your writing, and help your readers better understand your message.

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