Ryerson Cupe 2 Collective Agreement

Ryerson CUPE 2 Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Ryerson CUPE 2 Collective Agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3904. This agreement governs the working conditions, salaries, and benefits of academic and graduate student employees at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

What is CUPE?

CUPE is a national union representing over 700,000 workers in Canada. It is the largest union in the country, with members from various industries, including healthcare, education, transportation, and social services. CUPE`s mandate is to protect and improve the working conditions and economic welfare of its members through collective bargaining, advocacy, and education.

Who does the CUPE 2 Collective Agreement cover?

The CUPE 2 Collective Agreement covers two bargaining units: Unit 1 and Unit 2. Unit 1 includes teaching assistants, research assistants, and course instructors, while Unit 2 includes graduate assistants and research associates.

What does the CUPE 2 Collective Agreement include?

The Ryerson CUPE 2 Collective Agreement covers various aspects of employment, including:

1. Salaries and Wages: The agreement outlines the minimum and maximum salaries for each position, along with any annual increases or adjustments.

2. Benefits: CUPE members at Ryerson receive a range of benefits, including health and dental insurance, vacation pay, sick leave, and parental leave.

3. Job Security: The agreement outlines the conditions for job security, including notice of layoff, rehiring priorities, and grievance procedures.

4. Working Conditions: The agreement sets out the work hours, workload, and scheduling for CUPE members at Ryerson.

5. Fairness and Equity: The CUPE 2 Collective Agreement promotes fairness and equity, including anti-discrimination and harassment provisions.

How does the CUPE 2 Collective Agreement benefit CUPE members at Ryerson?

The CUPE 2 Collective Agreement provides job security, fair wages, and benefits to its members at Ryerson. It also ensures that the university upholds its commitments to academic excellence by investing in its workforce.

In conclusion

The Ryerson CUPE 2 Collective Agreement is a vital document that outlines the employment terms and conditions for CUPE members at Ryerson University. The agreement provides job security, fair wages, and benefits, and promotes fairness and equity for all members. For more information on the CUPE 2 Collective Agreement, visit the Ryerson University Human Resources website.

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