International Dairy Agreement Definition

The International Dairy Agreement (IDA) is a treaty signed by participating countries to ensure stability and predictability in the global dairy trade. It was initially established in 1999 and is currently operated by the International Dairy Federation (IDF).

The agreement aims to reduce trade barriers and promote fair competition among countries by establishing rules and regulations for the import and export of dairy products. It covers a wide range of products, including milk, cheese, butter, and whey.

Under the IDA, participating countries exchange information about their dairy production, consumption, and trade policies. They also agree to notify each other of any changes in their dairy trade policies that could affect the global market.

One of the primary goals of the IDA is to prevent volatile price fluctuations in the global dairy market. Participating countries can use market intervention mechanisms to regulate supply and demand and stabilize prices.

The IDA also seeks to promote sustainability in the dairy industry. Participating countries are encouraged to adopt best practices in animal health and welfare, environmental protection, and food safety.

The IDA has been successful in promoting global cooperation and reducing trade barriers in the dairy industry. However, not all countries participate in the agreement, and disagreements may still arise between participating countries.

In conclusion, the International Dairy Agreement is a treaty that aims to ensure stability and predictability in the global dairy trade. It promotes fair competition among participating countries, reduces trade barriers, and promotes sustainability in the dairy industry.

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